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LFD 8 By-laws


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By – Laws of the Lawrenceville Fire Department

Updated July, 2012


Article I

Title and Object


Section 1:   This organization shall be known as the Lawrenceville Fire Department Incorporate.


Section 2:   Objective: Its objective shall be to prevent and extinguish fires and to provide other emergency services as necessary to the properties in the Borough of the Lawrenceville and its fire district; to assist other fire departments in the fighting fires; to own, maintain and operate fire and rescue apparatus; to train it’s members in the duties necessary for the organization to function efficiently; to carry out activities necessary to the financial well being of the Department.



Article II


Section 1:   The Officers of this organization shall be a Fire Chief, a 1st, 2nd Chief,  President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Three Board of Directors. A 3rd Assistant Chief  may be if appointed by the Chief, if necessary.  All shall be active members in good standing.



Article III


Section 1:   The President shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of three members at the regular September meeting.


Section 2:   Nominations of candidates for officer shall be read by the nominating committee at the regular October meeting, at which time nominations from the floor are in order. At the November meeting, final nominations from the floor will be accepted.


Section 2A:  All members except Honorary and Lifetime members shall meet the attendance requirement for voting. Only an active member in good standing may be eligible to vote. In order to be eligible to vote members must make fifty (50%) percent of the meetings within a voting year. An exception will be made for those that are working and for those that are taking official training classes. If a member is excused because of working and/or attending training, they must make at least (20) twenty fire calls in one year or by special approval of the majority of the Lawrenceville Firemen’s Association board of directors. 



Section 3:   At the December meeting officers shall be elected by a cast ballot (paper) vote. The person receiving the most votes will be elected. When there is a cast ballot vote done within a regular monthly meeting, the Board of Directors shall count these votes in another room and return the vote count to the president or executive member overseeing the meeting. These paper ballots will be placed in a sealed envelope for one (1) month; there after they will be destroyed. If only one of the Fire Department Board of Directors is present at the meeting, the president or executive member overseeing the meeting shall choose a member or members, not to exceed three (3), to assist in the counting of the ballots. If a Board of Director is directly involved in the election or voting topic, then that person shall be excused from the count and the president or executive member overseeing the meeting shall choose another person to take the excused member(s) place. The vote count shall be announced and recorded in the minutes.


Section 4:   The President shall have the power to call for an election to fill any vacancies occurring during his term of office. If nominations are not received then the President may appoint until the next election.





Section 5:   The Officers shall be elected by a cast ballot vote to serve as follows: President. Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer shall serve a one year term. Fire Chief shall serve a two year term. 1st & 2nd Assistant Chief shall serve a one year term. The Directors shall serve a three year term on a rotating basis, with one elected each year. Their term of office shall begin on the first day of the New Year following the annual meeting at which they are elected.



Section 6:   No member shall be elected into more than one office at a time. No member, who is also a member of another department, may be elected into any office.


Section 7:   The Officers and Directors shall constitute the Board of Control and all powers immunities of this Department shall be vested in them for the direction and management of its business.



Article IV

Duties of Officers


Section 1:   President:  The President shall be an active member in good standing of the Department. This person shall preside over all regular and special meeting of the department. This person will conduct business of the department, appoint committees and act as spokesman at functions of the department. This person will only be allowed to vote on any matter in case of a tie vote of the members. However, he/she may abstain and ask for a second vote. This person will not be able to make or second a motion. The President shall be bonded.


Section 2: Vice President:  The Vice President shall be an active member in good standing of the Department. This person shall preside over all regular and special meetings of the department in absence of the President. This person’s duties shall be the same as the President’s during the Presidents absence. This person shall succeed the President if the office becomes vacant before the end of the term.


Section 3: Secretary:  The Secretary shall be an active member in good standing of the Department. This person shall keep all minutes and notes of all regular and special meetings; handle all correspondences, and submit such matters at the regular or special meetings for action by the department. The Secretary will be able to vote on all matters. The Secretary shall not be required to pay any annual dues. The Secretary shall maintain an accurate log of members paying annual dues.  Names of members not paying annual dues by the last day of February of each year shall be provided to the President.  Another list of names should be provided to the President by March 31.  The President shall direct the Secretary to send letters to all members who have not paid their annual dues by March 31 advising that they are no longer a member in good standing of the Department. If a member has not paid their dues in two (2) years, the Secretary will notify the President.


Section 4: Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be an active member in good standings of the Department. The Treasurer will be responsible for keeping all financial records of the department; record receiving payments, pay bills, collect dues and other financial business as necessary. He or She shall co- sign all checks issued with the President. The Treasurer shall not be required to pay annual dues. The Treasurer will be bonded.


Section 5: Directors:  All Board of Directors members shall be active members in good standing with the department. Directors will be responsible for the annual audit of the treasurer and overseeing the financial well being of the department. They will also serve on a Review Board with three (3) Chiefs and the President, for members under suspension. Their findings will be presented to the President, who will make their recommendations known to the members of the department. All findings of the Review Board will be binding to all members. In case of a recommendation of expulsion, a vote of at least 2/3 of the membership present is necessary.


Section 6: Chief:  The Chief shall be an active member in good standing in the department. This person shall be responsible for all vehicles and equipment of the department. All personnel in the department will be under his/her jurisdiction at any and all emergency responses. This person will be responsible for the coordination of all departments at mutual aid calls to a fire or emergency response in the covered district. He/she will designate truck Captains, Lieutenants, who will see to the proper up keeping of the vehicles in their care. He/she will be responsible for making proper fire reports and investigations as necessary. A Fire Police Chief, Chaplain, and 3rd Assistant Chief, Safety officer, Captains and Lieutenants may be appointed by the Fire Chief if deemed necessary.


Section 7 First Assistant Chief:  The First Assistant Chief will be an active member in good standing with the department. He/she will assist the Chief in training of the department. In the absence of the Chief, he/she will assume any and all responsibilities of the Chief. If the office of Chief should become vacant before the term ends, the First Assistant Chief assumes the office of Chief until the new Chief is elected at the next meeting.


Section 8: Second Assistant Chief:  The Second Assistant Chief will be an active member in good standing with the department. He/she will assist the Chief in training personnel and perform any other duties deemed necessary by the Chief. In absence of the Chief and the First Assistant Chief, he/she will assume the duties of the office of Chief.









Section 9: Chief of Fire Police:  The Chief of Fire Police will be an active member in good standing with the department. This person shall be responsible for all traffic and crowd control at all emergency responses as applicable by state and federal laws. This person will recommend for approval to membership of the department the name of two (2) or three (3) assistants as necessary.


Section 10: Chaplain:  The Chaplain shall be an active member in good standing with the department. The Chaplain shall be appointed by the President, with approval of membership. He/she should be able to conduct Memorial Services at funeral homes or homes for the deceased members, also conduct Invocations and Benedictions at gatherings. The Chaplain may be any capable person appointed by the President.


Section 11: Grant Committees:  No member shall work individually on and/or submit a grant for this organization.  For each grant that this organization wishes to pursue, a Grant Committee will be formed.  That Committee, will consist of (at a minimum) President, Chief, Treasurer and Grant Leader.


Section 12: Elected Officers:  All elected officers must attend at least eight (8) regular meetings in their electoral year, upon missing the fifth monthly meeting in the electoral year the position will be revoked and filled by election. Excusable absences are to be overseen by the President and Vice President. If a person has had their position revoked they may not be elected to another position for a period of one (1) year.


Article V



Section 1:   The Membership of this department shall consist of Probationary, Active, Social, Honorary, and Lifetime members. Members can be a resident of the Lawrenceville Borough, Lawrence Township, or any bordering municipality.


Section 2: Probationary Members:   May be male or female persons at least 18 years of age. They must be a resident or own real estate in Lawrenceville Borough or Lawrenceville Twp, or any bordering municipality. They must be of good moral character, and physically able to take part in all activities of this organization. They must be proposed for probationary membership by two active members in good standing, who shall sign their application. The application shall be presented with amount of five dollars for annual dues and an additional ten dollars for a background check, for membership at a regular firemen’s meeting. The application shall be tabled for one (1) month or until the background check comes back, and the application shall be voted on by cast of ballots. The applicant shall become a Probationary member by 2/3 affirmative vote. The candidate shall be placed on a one (1) year Probationary status. Probationary member do not have the right to vote or hold office. During this period the member will complete recommended training. Any person coming from another fire department or ambulance association may be entitle to six (6) month probation period providing that: A: they left their previous organization in GOOD standing, B: have been with the previous organization at least one (1) year and, C: have a letter from their previous organization stating the above facts within six (6) months probation period. If provided then the person may apply for active membership at the regular monthly meeting.


Section 3:  Active Members:   Upon having served a one (1) year probationary period, the applicant’s training and activity report shall be reviewed. The applicant will then be voted on the cast of ballot which he or she may become an active member upon 2/3 of affirmative vote. When it is necessary for the efficiency and betterment of this organization, the probationary period of a member may be waived as follows:


1.    The Executive Board (which consists of, but nor limited to, the fire department President and Vice President, Fire Chief, and his assistants and the (3) three Board of Directors) of this organization shall meet to identify a specific need to improve the efficiency within the department. The Executive Board will consider any available and interested probationary member that is qualified. If the majority agrees, the Executive Board will recommend to the membership, waiving the probationary period for that individual.


2.    The Executive Board will make the recommendation at a regular monthly meeting of the Lawrenceville Fire Department where the membership will approve the waiver by a 2/3 affirmative vote cast by a written ballot.


3.    The Lawrenceville Ambulance Association may request that the Fire Department waiver the probationary period to fill a specific need in its organization since the membership in the Fire Department is required in the Ambulance Association. The Lawrenceville Fire Department Executive Board and the Lawrenceville Firemen’s Ambulance Association Board of Directors will meet to discuss the needs of the Ambulance Association and recommendation to waiver the probation period.


Section 4: Social Members:   Social Members may be any person over 18 years of age who does not wish to be an active member or cannot meet the active membership requirements. He/she may apply for social membership by an application signed by applicant and two (2) active members. The application shall be presented, with the amount of five dollars for annual dues and an additional ten dollars for a background check, for membership at a regular Fireman’s meeting. The application shall be tabled for one (1) month or until the background check comes back, and the application shall be voted on by cast of ballots. The applicant shall become a social member upon 2/3 affirmative vote. Social members will not be required to attend regular or special meetings. They will not be allowed to run for any office, attend fires, make ambulance runs or participate in drills and training events or be allowed to vote.


Section 5: Honorary Members:   Any active member proposing any other member for honorary membership shall present to the President at the regular monthly meeting a history of accomplishments. After a short discussion the proposal shall be tabled for one (1) month at which time the proposal shall be voted on by cast of ballot. The applicant shall become an Honorary member upon 2/3 affirmative vote. They shall be exempt from paying dues, but shall have all the power of an active member.


Section 6: Lifetime Members:  An active member may become a life member after serving The Lawrenceville Fire Department for twenty (20) active years. These candidates shall be reviewed after their twenty (20) years of continued active years of service; i.e., meetings, training, fundraisers, responding to calls, or participating in any other functions of the fire department. This review shall be completed by a committee comprised of, but not limited to, the fire department Board of Directors, Fire Chief, and fire department President. The committee shall report back to the membership at the regular meeting with their recommendations.

A life member shall be entitled to the same privileges as an active member and is excused from paying annual dues. 


Section 7: Junior Firemen:  : May be an individual of at least 14 years but not have reached 18 years of age They must be a resident of Lawrenceville Borough, Lawrence Township, or any bordering municipality. They must be of a good moral character and be able to take part in activities of this organization as limited by state and federal laws pertaining to Junior Fireman and the Child Labor Law. He/she may apply for junior membership by presenting an application with five dollars for annual dues and an additional ten dollars for a background check, at a regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Fire Department. The application shall be tabled for one (1) month or until the background check comes back, and the application shall be voted on by cast of ballots.  The applicant shall become a junior member by 2/3 affirmative vote. That candidate shall remain a junior member until he/she have reached the age of 18 years. At such time, the candidate may apply for Probationary membership. If the candidate has been in good standings as a junior member for a period of one (1) year or more, the candidate may apply for active membership. Junior members do not have the right to vote or hold office. If the junior member is still in school but is (18) years old they must still submit their report card each marking period.  


Section 8: Fundraising Attendance Requirements:  All members except Honorary and Lifetime members shall meet the attendance requirement of at least twenty-five percent (25%) of all fundraisers of the Lawrenceville Fire Department (LFD). The attendance records shall be reviewed bi-annually by the Fire Chief, President, Head of the Bingo Committee, and one (1) Director from the Board. After a review, the committee shall report their results and recommendations at the regular meeting of the LFD. Failure to meet the attendance requirement shall prohibit the member from voting, participating in emergency calls, non-emergency calls, drills, and training events of the LFD. The member shall be able to participate in fundraising activities. These limitations shall remain in effect until full status is restored by showing participation and receiving approval by the committee at the following regular meeting of the LFD.


Section 9: Dress Code:   All members shall dress in a proper manner when attending Fire Department functions. This shall include a sleeved shirt or blouse, pants or shorts, shirt or dress and shoes or boots that are neat and clean. We are professionals and should dress accordingly.


Section 10: Emergency members:

The officer in charge of an incident can make any person a temporary member for the incident. This person must have permission or been asked by the officer in charge, to assist in need directed by the officer in charge. At the end of particular incident the emergency member is terminated and this person is no longer an emergency member of the Lawrenceville Fire Department.


Section 11: Effective January 2012, all members shall have a background check completed every three (3) years.  The cost for new members will be their responsibility.  Checks conducted on current members and subsequent costs for updated checks for new members will be paid from the Lawrenceville Firemen’s Volunteer Relief Association. 


Article VI



Section 1:   A regular meeting of this department shall be called on the third Monday evening of each month at 7:00 PM.


Section 2:   A special meeting can be called at any time by the President or by the request of five (5) or more members, given a 24 hour notice by radio and/or other communications.


Article VII

Funds- Collection and Disbursing of Monies


Section 1:   The Treasurer shall collect all monies and shall keep an account of all funds and shall make disbursement only upon vote by the Department, exempting normal operating expenses for the building and vehicles and emergency expenses for the vehicles.


Section 2: With the exception of emergency expenditures necessary for the operation of the vehicles and/or building, any purchase of an item costing $10,000 or greater must be approved by 2/3 majority at two consecutive regular meetings of the Lawrenceville Fire Department. (This was approved at the Sept 2010 meeting and was placed at the end of the by-laws. It should be placed here.



Article VIII

Amendments and Additions


Section 1:   No alteration or amendments shall be made to this constitution unless proposed in writing at a regular meeting at which the amendment shall be referred to a Committee, Who shall report at the next regular meeting, after which it may be acted upon and adopted by 2/3 of the members present.



Article IX

Penalties of Members



Section 1: Any member whose conduct is unbecoming a fireman, ladies or gentlemen, may be expelled by a 2/3 majority vote of members present at any regular meeting.


Section 2:   The Chief or Assistant Chief, in the Chief’s absence, has the authority to suspend any member for misconduct at emergency calls, non-emergency calls, and training until the next regular meeting. The President shall have the authority to suspend any member for any administration violation that they feel deemed necessary. This includes office rules, behavior unbecoming of fire personnel at meeting or fire department functions, excluding emergency calls, non-emergency calls, and training, until the next regular meeting. 


Section 3:   Any member subject to penalties shall have the privilege to appeal.


Article X

Membership Dues


Section 1:  All members excluding Honorary and Lifetime members are required to pay annual dues to the Secretary no later than the last day of February each year. Failure to pay dues will result in loss of good standing in the department until paid.  Any member, whose dues have not been paid within the last two (2) years, may be reinstated with payment of current year’s dues and the completion of a background check.  Member requesting reinstatement will be required to pay the fee for this background check.


Section 2:   Members who fail to pay their annual dues after two (2) years shall be suspended by the President.


Article XI

Rules of Order


Section 1:   But one member shall be entitled to the floor during the same period of time.


Section 2:   Every member desiring the privilege of the floor shall rise and address the chair.


Section 3:   No member shall be allowed to speak until properly recognized by the chair.


Section 4:   All questions must be directed to the President, then opened for discussion and properly moved and seconded.


Section 5:   Any member may call for a vote on any question.


Section 6:   All questions, unless otherwise decided by the by- laws, shall be settled by a majority of the votes cast.


Section 7:   When a motion is properly made before the Department, it must be disposed of before another can be entertained.


Section 8:   No subject laid on the table shall be taken up again during the same meeting unless it was so understood when thus disposed of.



Article XII

Order of Business


Section 1:   1. Pledge of Flag

                    2. Reading of Minutes of previous meeting

                    3. Treasurer’s Report

                    4. Presentation of bills and action on same

                    5. Communications

                    6. Nominations of candidates for membership

                    7. Election of officers and members

                    8. Chief’s Report

                    9. Old Business

                  10. New Business

                  11. Unfinished Business

                  12. Good of the Department

                  13. Adjournment



Article XIII

Parliamentary Authority


Section 1:   The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by- laws and any special rules of order this organization may adopt.













Revised and Approved on September 20, 2010



Article V




Section 1: $5.00 annual dues plus $10.00 Background Check Fee, both payable when application is submitted. Should the Background Check results in the application being unqualified for membership in the Fire Department, the $5.00 annual dues will be returned. The Background Check Fee will not be returned.


Article VII

Funds- Collection and Disbursing of Monies


Section 2: With the exception of emergency expenditures necessary for the operation of the vehicles and/or building, any purchase of an item costing $10,000 or greater must be approved by 2/3 majority at two consecutive regular meetings of the Lawrenceville Fire Department.


Revised and Approved on July 16, 2012


Article II


Section 1:   The Officers of this organization shall be a Fire Chief, a 1st, 2nd Chief,  President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Three Board of Directors. A 3rd Assistant Chief  may be if appointed by the Chief, if necessary.  All shall be active members in good standing.







Article III


Section 2A:  All members except Honorary and Lifetime members shall meet the attendance requirement for voting. Only an active member in good standing may be eligible to vote. In order to be eligible to vote members must make fifty (50%) percent of the meetings within a voting year. An exception will be made for those that are working and for those that are taking official training classes. If a member is excused because of working and/or attending training, they must make at least (20) twenty fire calls in one year or by special approval of the majority of the Lawrenceville Firemen’s Association board of directors. 


Section 6: No member, who is also a member of another department, may be elected into any office.


Article IV

Duties of Officers

Section 3: Secretary: If a member has not paid their dues in two (2) years, the Secretary will notify the President.


Article IV

Duties of Officers

Section 6 Chief: Safety officer, Captains and Lieutenants


Article IV

Duties of Officers

Section 11 Grant Committees: No member shall work individually on and/or submit a grant for this organization.  For each grant that this organization wishes to pursue, a Grant Committee will be formed.  That Committee, will consist of (at a minimum) President, Chief, Treasurer and Grant Leader.


Article V


Section 3 Active Members: #3 Lawrenceville Fire Department Executive Board and the Lawrenceville Firemen’s Ambulance Association Board of Directors of both organizations


Article V


Section 7 Junior Firemen: If the junior member is still in school but is (18) years old they must still submit their report card each marking period.  


Article V


Section 11: Section 11: Effective January 2012, all members shall have a background check completed every three (3) years.  The cost for new members will be their responsibility.  Checks conducted on current members and subsequent costs for updated checks for new members will be paid from the Lawrenceville Firemen’s Volunteer Relief Association. 


Article X

Membership Dues

Section 1: and the completion of a background check.  Member requesting reinstatement will be required to pay the fee for this background check.


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